Hey Fer!
Here we go with round 1 (concepts)! I've got a couple of different ideas going with a core difference being how the site interacts with the viewer. Like I mentioned before, it's hard to fully see the designs as they are since we're just looking at a flat design, but I'll try to describe everything as much as I can :) Please click on each image below to download and view the full designs.
With this first version, we've got a horizontally scrolling site. It starts out with a white screen (with a little bit of texture) and the logo appearing. Than the text will float up the screen and settle in the center of the window. This will appear for a few seconds and then it'll fade away, revealing what you're seeing above. The idea is to use big (full screen images) and adding the hand drawn nature on top to compliment the imagery. It'll be subtle throughout, except for the first image. I'm thinking of having these lines draw themselves down the image to show the viewer where to go on the site (down). Then, the arrow will appear as if it's leading the way throughout the rest of the page.
After each image, we've got a block of text/content. I think this might be the best way of incorporating the text, just so it's not too much text all at once. After you get past the first "intro" text, then you'll see your video set to full screen (I just used one of your images as a placeholder). After the video, it'll go into pricing and testimonials below.
This design is a bit different than the first. This entire design takes place inside of a window, where the content scrolls/moves through, but the window stay in place.
On the opening screen, it's similar to the first design, where you'll see your logo on top of the blank background. After a second, the screen will split open to reveal the main image and the 4 sections of the site. I've broken the site up into 4 pieces; Me (Fer), Pricing, Testimonials and Booking. Each of those sections have mini sub-sections within them.
For example, the above image would be the first section (Me) and shows the first sub-section of ME, "Hello." The text for each sub-section will appear either over the top of the image (i.e. Hello), or in a container over the image (i.e. Pricing). the viewer can navigate through the subsections be clicking the arrows, or clicking the links in the Section navigation bars. This first screen has the text floating on top of the image, with the viewer scrolling vertically to reveal the rest of that text.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, and again these are just concepts to see what sparks your interest the most :) If you'd like to send some feedback my direction, you can do so below. Otherwise, if you'd like to chat, so i can explain things more, just let me know. Hope you enjoy!