No matter the product or service you offer, or how big or small your company, your brand should say it all.
It’s your first impression. Your firm handshake. Your confident smile.
Fact: A solid brand is key to a successful business. If you’re brand is weak, so is your company. Branding goes way beyond just a cool logo. It stems down to the foundations of who you are, what your company is all about, and your target clientele. It envelops all of these aspects through a thorough and cohesive design; from logo to verbiage, from website to printed materials.
Your brand is not just how you look, it’s what you want to say. It embodies who you are. So create your image, and do it well. Great design is not haphazard, it’s well calculated. It’s vital to know exactly what you’re doing and why.
Confidence. When your brand is spot on, it should practically read, “C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E.” Clients don’t have to question how legit you are or if you know what you’re doing. A legit brand won’t just build your CLIENT’S confidence in you, it’ll build YOUR confidence in YOU. LEGIT brand = swagger.
A solid brand can sell dog crap. Literally. A kick-a**, confident, catchy brand is guaranteed to capture people’s interest, even if they don’t know the product being pitched. Truth: A solid brand can even make dog crap seem interesting and intriguing.
Now... that’s not to say you’re selling dog crap, of course. It’s to say that, when a solid brand is teamed up with an awesome product/service, a truly powerful superhero is born. Justice WILL be served.
So the question is...
Are you passionate about what you do?
Do you want to succeed? (Whatever your definition of success might be.)
Do you have a vision for your company?
Are you ready to kick a** and take names?
Then let’s ROCK!
Keys to building a LEGIT company:
L – Love.
A legit brand should show your love and passion for what you do. You can’t expect people to develop an interest in your company if it’s not evident that you do.
E – Excitement.
A legit brand generates excitement in the client. If it’s not interesting to look at, people’s attention spans will expire.
G – Grit. Legit branding is the key to a confident, bold brand – i.e. a company with grit!
I – Intrigue & Intention.
(Yes, there are two I’s - we’re spelling it LEGIIT.) Legit branding creates intrigue, which is the key to sparking people’s interest (ah dang, there’s another I) and getting them to explore and learn more about you and your product/service. Legit branding also shows intention, or vision. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’ve got my act together. You can trust me.”
T – Thrive.
Through your branding experience, you’ll clarify your vision for your company, what it says about you, your product/service, and your ideal clientele. Branding yourself well is your ticket to THRIVE.
Our approach is thorough, yet simple. We will map everything out for you in a very straightforward way so that you know exactly where we’re at every step of the way. We’ll try our darndest to explain the reasons behind everything without overwhelming you!
The Great Adventure:
So here we are, at the beginning of this awesome discovery. We know you’re excited about what’s about to happen, and so are we. So let’s tackle this together and make sure we stay on course! It’s a 10-step process, and it’s a very give and take relationship....
Step 1: Vision Questionnaire, 3 business days.
Fill out the questionnaire so that we can get to know you and your company a little bit better. Have fun with it. Be truthful. Your company depends on it!
Step 2: Visual Exploration & Current Brand Critique, 5 business days.
In response to your Vision Questionnaire, we’ll hit the books and inter-webs to find 50 designs, brands or visual inspirations for you to take a gander at. This is your visual pool to fish in. In addition, we will deliver you a critique on your current brand. We love you, but if we’re going to get anywhere in this relationship, we’re going to have to be honest. It’s gunna get real, real quick! Egos may be bruised, but we assure you it’s only because we have your best interests at heart! It’s CRUCIAL to realize the weaknesses of your brand before we can move forward, having learned from where you’ve been.
Step 3: Visual Feedback, 3 business days.
From the 25-odd visuals we present to you, it’s your job to pick through and select the ones that speak to you. And you’ll need to tell us why. So select AT LEAST 10 (or 25 if you'd like) and let us know what it is about them you appreciate.
Step 4: Brand Development, 2 weeks.
Based on your Visual Feedback, we will custom design you three different logos, each coupled with different typography. (Now, mind you, logos are NOT your complete brand, but it’s a good place to start.)
Step 5: Brand Selection, 3 business days.
Of the three Brand Developments, select the brand you most see yourself in. Select the one that clicks with what your company is all about. In regards to your clientele, what you put out there is what you’re going to get, so make sure you’re attracting the right kind of fish! And remember: think fresh. Don’t be afraid to break away from what you were doing before. We’re not here to tighten up the rusty old bolts of your old brand and give it a new coat of paint. This is a new beginning! Once you’ve made your selection, give us your detailed feedback.
Step 6: Brand Revision, 5 business days per revision.
If brand revision is required, we’ll incorporate your ideas into the brand you’ve selected. You have a MAX of three revisions.
Step 7: Site Proof, 3 – 4 weeks.
This is when the real magic happens. This is when everything starts to take shape. It’s when vision becomes reality. We will lay out a rough draft of your site based on your Vision Questionnaire and Brand Selection. At this stage of the site, we will have your brand cohesively integrated throughout. (If complex site movements are involved, these will not be complete until Brand Delivery.)
Step 8: Site Feedback, 5 business days.
Take a look at your site layout and make sure it’s the stuff of your dreams before we go any further. Now is the time for suggestions or revisions – or better yet, encouragement!
Step 9: Site Revision, 5 business days per revision.
Just as with the brand revision, you will have a MAX of three revisions. In the mean time, we will finish our magic, adding all of the finishing touches.
Step 10: Site Building & Delivery, aka “D Day,” 3 - 4 weeks.
Ta-Da! Your custom, unique brand is now a complete reality through your custom, unique site. Congratulations, you’ve now reached Legit Superhero Status. (Insert Mario Bros. level complete sound effect here.)
* Every project we do is different, so the prices below are estimates. After talking in detail with you about your project, we will give you a custom quote.
Logo design:
- We'll deliver logo, typography, and visual elements (steps 1 – 6).
~ $1,000
Standard site:
- Logo
- Custom 5 page website with a full management system.
- Includes Blog
~ $ 4,500
Advanced site:
- Logo
- Custom 5 page website with a full management system.
- Includes Blog
- Can include features such as animations, paralax scrolling or responsive page layout (layout adjusts for mobile), depending what fits with the brand.
~ $ 5,500
- Shopping cart = $500
The Questionnaire:
Welcome to the beginning of one of the most important journeys of your life. You’re about to enter... Legit Superhero Branding Boot Camp.
So here’s the deal. We need to get an idea of your aesthetic. We’re going to cover everything from the basics to the little details. Important: Forget about what your brand is right now – and we will, too. Think fresh. Think you. Think about your target market. Think about your ultimate brand.